Copying Content from a Previously Taught or Prior Year's Course

This document will walk you through the steps required to copy course content from a "Past Enrollment" course to a current enrollment course. This document partners with the NACS Curriculum Coordinator's YouTube video on Copying Content from Canvas, which can be found below.

Why would you want to do this?

1. Canvas rolls all expired courses into Past Enrollments, preventing Teachers from entering and editing the course content.

2. Sections assigned during a "New" school year cannot be cross-listed with sections from Past Enrollments, meaning that content must be copied into the New Sections and cannot simply be re-used.

3. Most Teachers want to re-use content from semester to semester, or year to year. Copying course content makes re-using and editing much easier for Teachers.

In addition to the above document, you might also find the video below to be helpful with copying content.